[cody@Arch2014p9 ~]$ aurt -h

  Usage: aurt <operation> [AUR package name]

 -S   : Install and or update package.
 -Sf  : Force install and or update package.
 -Syu : Update all AUR packages via aurweb RPC.
 -Ss  : Search for package using various listed methods.
 -R   : Remove package and info. 
 -Qu  : Query via aurweb RPC update status and print results.
 -Vc  : VCS - Check via makepkg, for updates, print and generate file.
 -Vu  : VCS - Update AUR packages based on file generated from -Vc.
 -pd  : Package dependency details.
 -pf  : Package files list.
 -pi  : Package information.
 -p   : Pacman.log.
 -h   : help, this page.

 -S   Build and install package/s via aursync and pacman.
 -Sf  Same as above except aursync --force and pacman -S --force
 -Syu Update all AUR packages via aursync -u.
 -Ss  Search for package via pacsearch, aursearch -P, aursearch -Fv, pacman -Sii
 -R   Performs pacman -Rns on package and deletes related files, dir's in ~/z-AUR-Aurt.git/.
 -Qu  Display list of AUR package update status via aurcheck -ad aur.
 -Vc  Generate AUR packages update report and list via makepkg -so and makepkg --printsrcinfo.
 -Vu  Update based on list generated from last running of aurt -Vc.
 -pd  Display details on package dependencies installed or not via aurchain, aurchain -a, and pacman -T.
 -pf  Display list of files belonging to package.
 -p   Display pacman log file.
 -h   Display this help page.

:: Want to read Updating AUR packages info?      yes/no (5 sec timeout to no)

 Updating AUR package: 
 Aurt has two methods available for updating all installed AUR packages. The first method, [aurt -Syu] uses [aursync -u]. This method
 obtains information from the aurweb RPC and is by far the most commonly used method by AUR helpers to check package update status.
 The accuracy of the information using this method depends on several factors. These range from the AUR package standards and enforcement,
 package developer-maintainer personal prefrences and properly following the standards, if the package uses a VCS in which case the PKGBUILD
 likely becomes a static link, resulting in the aurweb RPC becoming outdated and inaccurate. There is also potential for errors/neglect
 as is pointed out here: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/.SRCINFO

 A workaround is available in aurt to circumvent many of the potential aurweb RPC issues. [Aurt -Vs] runs all* the installed AUR
 packages through a process of running  makepkg -so, makepkg --printsrcinfo, and [git rev-parse HEAD] -vs- [git ls-remote <url> HEAD].
 This increases the accuracy of the update status availability for AUR packages. The cost of running this operation is time. Rather that
 for example, an update report generated in ~1.7 sec as when running [aurt -Qu], it takes ~6.4 min to run [aurt -Vc]. This is on ~100
 AUR packages in both cases. This time comparison is also with all the build dependencies installed. If build dep's need installed, add time.

 * In a perfect world, this process only be used for VCS packages. However, all is not perfect. It is well known that partial updates
 are officially unsupported and may lead to system issues including breakage. This includes AUR packages, depending entirely on the package/s.

[cody@Arch2014p9 ~]$