Sunday, 19. December 2021
After a few years of using github and for terminal screenshots and images, thought I'd look into taking advantage of the to set up a static web page.
I learned that jekyll seemed to be the go to tool for the job, so without hesitation, I dove into installing it without knowing anything about it.* After struggling with version incompatibilities, (github is only compatible with an older version than Arch has available in the official repos), I learned a markdown editor would suffice.
Next I tried a few markdown editors and ended up settling on remarkable . I installed the git version from the AUR repos, remarkable-git using my home grown AUR helper aurch to build and install it.
Remarkable won me over with it's nice usable GUI layout, live preview, and page style options. It has a handful of style options built in, which include 'Github' and 'Metro Vibes Dark'. This means I can use it for both my github README markup and this page. I've struggled for years with the github because I didn't want to use the right tool for the job, a markdown editor. Instead, I used my browser for 'after view' after posting it on github. This process usually ended with dozens of edits, going through the whole git and upload process each time an edit was needed, and burned up a bunch of time in the process.
* I've since learned there's an AUR version. I may look into that as well.
This is a bit of recent code I recently wrote for aurch. This code checks the host for AUR updates. I'm posting it as a preview, so I can see how code looks in the markdown. I notice the original indentation is lost in the process. It replaces my preferential use of tabs with more common four spaces.
readarray -t aurpkgs < <(pacman -Sl ${REPONAME} 2>/dev/null | awk '{print $2,$3}' ; pacman -Qm )
if [[ $1 == -Luhq ]]; then :
echo; echo "${czm} Checking for updates:"
printf '%s\n' "${aurpkgs[@]%' '*}" | nl | column -t
rm -f /tmp/aurch-updates /tmp/aurch-updates-newer
for pkg in "${aurpkgs[@]}"; do {
pckg="${pkg%' '*}"
check=$(curl --compressed -s "\&type=info&arg\[\]=${pckg}" \
| jshon -e results -a -e Version \
| awk -F\" '{print $2}')
compare=$(vercmp "${pkg#*' '}" "${check}")
if [[ -n ${check} && ${compare} == -1 ]]; then
echo "${pkg} -> ${check}" >>/tmp/aurch-updates
elif [[ -n ${check} && ${compare} == 1 ]]; then
echo "${pkg} <- ${check}" >>/tmp/aurch-updates-newer
fi } &
done; wait
if [[ $1 == -Luhq ]]; then
awk '{print $1}' /tmp/aurch-updates
echo; echo "${czm} Updates available:"
column -t /tmp/aurch-updates
if [[ -s /tmp/aurch-updates-newer ]]; then
echo " Newer than update:"
column -t /tmp/aurch-updates-newer